Putting you and your supporters at the heart of everything we do.
We’re a specialist fundraising agency that uses insight instead of guesswork.
Boost income and donor loyalty through dynamic thanking.
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Boost income and donor loyality through dynamic thanking.
Find out more!
Thinking of working with us? This is what we believe:
The best way to raise money is to show people who care about your cause what needs to be done and ask them to support it.
Fundraising from people with money to spare is more effective than fundraising from people who have no money.
Showing gratitude and demonstrating the impact they have is the best way to upgrade and retain donors.
When it comes to innovation, it’s better to ask ‘Why would it work?’, rather than ‘Why not give it a go?’.
Applying the basics of fundraising, is better than not applying the basics of fundraising.
The opinion of your donors is more useful than the opinions of people who will never support your charity.
Cultural changes offer opportunities to demonstrate your relevance to donors and connect with new audiences.
Donors don’t give money away– they give to answer their own psychological, physical and emotional needs.
No one should be tricked, guilt-tripped or manipulated into giving. It never works and causes damage to the sector.
The people who are most likely to include a legacy to charity in their Will are well past retirement age.
How can we help you?
Income in decline?
Struggling to recruit supporters?
Who gives to you and why?
If your charity wants to attract the people who will help power your work – get in touch. Chances are, we probably have already spoken to them and know just what they want.
At Bluefrog, we don’t assume what donors want. We don’t guess. We speak to them and learn from them.
We interview hundreds of donors each year to work out what motivates their giving and what influences their decision making.
We then apply this insight to build some of the most effective fundraising programmes seen anywhere in the world.
Let’s build a plan that works for you
Starting from scratch
Building on your strengths
Making your offer work harder
Creative development
Pioneering research
Get in touch
Our Work
Alzheimer’s Society. Uncovering the needs that would drive proven growth in legacy income.
UNHCR. A tangible offer in times of crisis.
FareShare. Integrating DRTV, digital and offline around a donor focused offer.
University of St Andrew’s. Reconnecting with the past to make an impact on the future through direct mail.
UNHCR. How you take a global crisis and make giving meaningful for individual donors.
Save the Children. What challenge can you set supporters to increase retention and improve engagement?